Monday, February 14, 2005

82 Billion (more) reasons he's a Miserable Failure

Mister Moneybags Shrubble Stiltskins wants to spend some more money that we dont have on a war that wasnt neccesary.

Seems that Dubya is asking Congressto rush him $82,000,000,000.00 (Geee-Zus is that a lot of zeros) for our War on Terr'er. Of course most of that money is gonna be spent in Iraq. As most of the nearly 300 BILLION dollars Bush has squandered in his War on Terr'er has been spent in Iraq.

And REMEMBER this is a supplemental request - it isnt counted in Chimp McSwagger's $2.5 trillion budget for 2006.

The funniest (saddest?) part of the deal was this:

$400 million to reward nations that have taken political and economic risks to join the U.S.-led coalitions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bwa-ha-ha. Oh, that's rich. They did it cause they value freedom. They did it cause it was the right thing to do. No. They did it cause $400 million buys a lot of eggs in Estonia... or was that apples in Azerbaijan? At least we are now, sorta, admitting that we pretty much just bribed some countries into coming along for this fucked up ride.


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