Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Turds in the shower

You ever have a old college friend over - the one that really used to just trash the place - and then once he leaves you figure, "well, it really wasnt that bad"... then, a while later you go into the guest bathroom and discover that he left a big pile of turds in the shower for you to clean up.

Well, the Bush budgets are gonna be our turds in the shower.

Take for instance his partial privitization of Social Security swindle:

"His plan to partially privatize Social Security, for instance, would cost a total of $79.5 billion in the last two budgets that Bush will propose as president and an additional $675 billion in the five years that follow" -- WaPo, 2/14/05
Not content to fuck us over for the 8 years he is in office - Shrubola has to make sure he fucks us over for years afterwards.


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