Enjoy Every Sandwich

I miss Warren Zevon.
Don't know why, maybe it still has something to do with Hunter S. Thompson's death, because I stumbled upon this picture of the good doctor Thompson practicing his own brand of gonzo medicine on his friend, Zevon. Whatever the reason, Mr. Bad Example has been on my mind a lot recently.
He's been dead for a year and a half -- and I still miss him with an odd intensity.
"Play It All Night Long" shows Zevon's twisted sense of humor... and how he could use that humor to reveal the most human of truths. Much like his friend Hunter. S. Thompson. And besides, it's as David Letterman said - Warren Zevon is the only writer who would ever think to use the word "brucellosis" in a song.
Grandpa pissed his pants again
He don't give a damn
Brother Billy has both guns drawn
He ain't been right since Vietnam
"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long
Daddy's doing Sister Sally
Grandma's dying of cancer now
The cattle all have brucellosis
We'll get through somehow
"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long
I'm going down to the Dew Drop Inn
See if I can drink enough
There ain't much to country living
Sweat, piss, jizz and blood
"Sweet home Alabama"
Play that dead band's song
Turn those speakers up full blast
Play it all night long
After he was diagnosed, Warren went on the David Letteman show as that nights only guest. Zevon appeared on the Letterman show a good many times - as both guest and as a semi-frequest temp band leader in place of Paul Schaffer. It was a very touching interview in which Zevon reminded us all to "enjoy every sandwich".

Warren Zevon R.I.P.
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