Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Holy Jeebus & Joe Scarborough

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and even a retarded hedgehog can enjoy a Stouffer's french bread pizza, and even that dunder-headed shill Joe Scarborough can be right about some things:

"There are some people out there who are Christians...who believe that homosexuality is a sin. You know what? I'm a Christian. I do believe that it's a sin. You know what else? I believe divorce is a sin. Guess what? I've been divorced. Guess what? Jesus talks about divorce a lot more than he talks about homosexuality. I don't know why people obsess over it so much, but they do. Wait a second, I do know why they obsess over it. Because they get votes bashing gays."
--Joe Scarborough, on the Bill Maher Show, 4/22/05
Note: However, I really cant think of one piece of the Gospels in which Jesus even mentions homosexuality. Now, promoting the redistribution of wealth... he says quite a lot about that. But that aint gonna get many votes in the Heartland.

Also, the demise of LeftCross has been exagerated... like good Liberals everywhere, we aint goin' nowhere. Bee-atch.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger _ said...

You ever going to update this thing or what?? BTW -- I stole your Jingonistic Cliche image...


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