Monday, April 04, 2005

The Line Must Be Drawn - HERE.

Granted, it comes from The Moonie Times, but the article illuminates a coming battle within the Democratic Party between the Real Democrats (aka Liberals) and the GOOPER LITE (aka "Centrist" Dems). They want to bring the fight to US - fine by me. It's about flipping time.

The bastion of DINO (Democrat In Name Only) politics lies within the Democratic Leadership Council -- and it's these types of Dems that think Joe Lieberman would make a GREAT President. It's these types of Dems that would sell their mother to K Street, sell their brother to Wall Street, pimp out their wives to the Neo-Cons... and still have time to give the NRA a reach-around.

So The Moonie Times says there is a war coming between the so-called Centrists that believe the message is to blame (it's been to "Liberal") and the Left Wing of the Party, the Deaniacs, who believe that we just have to sell the message. Well, for one, I think the article is full of shit.

This is one Left Wing'er that thinks we have sold ourselves out too much already.

The American people want a REAL change from the American Taliban and the Radical Republican Swine that run our country - THEY DO NOT WANT a watered down version of the same sad thing. DINO Evan Bayh and fellow DLC monkies say that the Dems need:

"to make clear to the American people that winning the war on jihadist extremism will be the Democratic Party's first priority this year and every year until the danger recedes."
Oh, ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLIDERS, no time for Civil Rights, no time for verifying CIA Intel, onto Iraq, onto Syria, onto VICTORY.

What the fuck? Even the most Liberal Dem has no plans on laying down before the fundementalist terrorists that endanger our country. What has many Liberals so angry, what the DLC'ers do not understand - the vast majority of us are not ANTI-WAR when it comes to fighting terrorism. We were just ANTI-IRAQ WAR that had NOTHING to do with fighting terrorism.

So it's not that the message has been too far Left and it's not getting the vote out. It's being proud of being Liberal. It's about telling the country what they have to gain by voting Democratic and letting the chips fall where they may.

Still, you silly wanna-be Radical Repuglican assjacks feel the need for a fight? Fine by me, fine by us. Bring it on.


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