Taking the Ride
More than 100k people in a horrific tsunami and it takes him three days to say anything (in public).
Nine members of an American-Indian tribe get murdered, Columbine style, and he is eerily silent.
Whoa, are the unfortunate darker skinned people. Now, if you were a white person that might inflame the passions (in some ways justified) of your base. Sheeeeee-it, you'd be a VIP - even if you were just one person.
Like Terri Schiavo (and I do not make light of her case, it's horrible all the way around, the only thing more horrible is the political manipulation of the events) -- in her case, back when the Bushies (Jeb and Smirko) thought they could make could political hay outta the whole thing - it was quite different.
We got photos of him rushing into the White House, we were told accounts of him signing the bill in the middle of the night - OH THE DRAMA !!
Then the polling came out and it showed that the entire country was pretty much disgusted by the behavior of the GOoPers that got the Federal Govt involved.
"Poof" -- like an 8-ball of cocaine from Dubya's college days -- he's nowhere to be seen. No doubt Karl Rove has told Georgie to stay away from reporters and to look around the White House for his disappearing approval ratings.
BTW, the Indians from Red Lake are pretty fuckin pissed by the total lack of sympathy coming outta 1600 Penn. Thanks to Pandagon for the tip.
And, as was noted in the post below, the GOoPers rode the Radical Christian Right (RCR) for a looooong time. Now, they are caught with their pants down in a way that is gonna be much worse for em than when WJC got caught with his pants down.
The RCR is too close to power now. They are starting to actually demand some action from the GOoPers to back up all those election year promises. So the Repubs can play ball with the American Taliban and distance themselves from traditional Conservatives. Or they can keep the RCR stung along and wait for them to make an election year break from the Republican Party. Either one isn't pretty.
But as Hunter S. Thompson said: "Pay the ticket, take the ride".
It really is like a roller-coaster: The Republican Party has been riding the backs of the RCR for 30 years - and they've finally reached the top of that hill. Now, the train is getting ready to plunge down the otherside.
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