An abiding aversion to science
One of the more under covered aspects of the Bush years has been His Chimpiness' disdain for all things scientific or logical - whether it be the bizzaro mathematics of his Social Security boondoggle, his stupefying inability to recognize global warming, or his most recent instance of kowtowing to the American Taliban in the case of Terri Schiavo - this President and his clueless band of idealouges are running our ship of state into the rocks of ignorance and superstition.
That aint a good thing.
From our friends across the pond...
"The American century was built on scientific progress. From the automobile to the atom bomb to the man on the moon, science and technology underpinned American military, commercial and cultural might.
Crucial to that was the presidency. From FDR and the Los Alamos laboratory to Kennedy and Nasa to Clinton and decoding the genome, the White House was vital to promoting ground-breaking research and luring the world's scientific elite.
But Bush's faith-based, petro-chemical administration has reversed that tradition: excepting matters military, this presidency exhibits an abiding aversion to scientific inquiry that is in danger of affecting the entire country".
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