This is your planet
How the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro looked for the last 11,000 years.

How it looks today.
Any questions?
And to think that fucking cockroaches like Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-OK) have called global warming:"the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
Nevermind that 99.9% of the scientific community has said global warming is real and that we are to blame for it (those few scientific types who say otherwise are either trying to sell books [Michael Crichton] or work for Exxon).
Ugh, anyway, this is worth reading
What it comes down to is human self interest. "I need to keep making millions with my company, even if it's killing everything around me." "I have the right to drive my SUV to the corner store."
Even worse, the scientific community is so full of egos and self-interested people that it makes businesses look altruistic in comparison (I'm in science...).
The whole concept of economic growth ignores sustainibility. Ok, I'm rambling.....
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