Shinseki was right - exhibit 22b
"Mr. Wolfowitz, the deputy defense secretary, opened a two-front war of words on Capitol Hill, calling the recent estimate by Gen. Eric K. Shinseki of the Army that several hundred thousand troops would be needed in postwar Iraq, "wildly off the mark." NYT, 2/28/03Hmmmm. Well, we let the fuckin Iraqis loot the museums, we let them create an atmosphere of complete anarchy which we face still today, we let some 380+ tons of explosives disappear from Al Qaqaa.
Now, dear fucking Uncle Moses, it seems that we let SOMEBODY dismantle some weapons labs/factories for weeks following the fall of Baghdad. And this wasn't a few dudes breaking windows and stealing what they could carry. Oh, no, they needed fucking trucks and cranes to steal what they did.
The legality, morality, and necessity of this war can be debated another time - but it is now so very clear that Rummy, Wolfie, Cheney, all of 'em, wanted to do this war on the cheap. We did NOT and DO NOT have enough troops on the ground. Shinseki was right.
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