Run Condi Run
The Moonie Times has a nice little article on Condi and her views on abortion (she's "mildly pro-choice") and whether she'd run for Prez in '08 (she "can't imagine it").
I say PLEASE RUN, CONDI, PLEASE RUN. They see it as a defense against HRC running (for the record, if she's the nominee, I vote Green) - I see it as the joke of jokes.
If the Repubs run a pro-choice African American woman, she'll get less Republican votes in the "Heartland" than Michael Moore.
I don't think she'll run, I'd put the odds at 500-1. Furthermore, Rudy can't win the love of the American Taliban, McCain is too much of a loose cannon. Look for Dr. Feelgood, Bill Frist, to be the GOoPer choice. Of course I thought either Howard Dean or Wes Clark had the Dem nominee locked up... oh, what an ignorant babe I was.
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