Friday, March 11, 2005

Too much is too much

Forbes released their newest list of the richest of the rich and while I knew they were filthy rich (not to mention plain filthy) the exorbinant and obscene wealth of the Walton (Wal-Mart) family has my head spinning.

The five Walton kiddies share a combined wealth of 90.7 billion dollars. That's 90.7 THOUSAND MILLION dollars.

That is more than the G.D.P. (Gross Domestic Product) of 170 countries. Only 38 countries on Earth have a GDP that is more than the Walton families booty. And these arent all piss ant countires like the West Timorikistanvania Island (not a real country) but pretty respectable countries like New Zealand, Hungary, and Chile (real countries... feel I have to explain, since us 'Mericans arent too big on geography).

The World Bank has a list.

And, noooooo, I don't loathe them because they are rich (Bill Gates himself is worth 46.5 Billion), I loathe them because they've amassed their riches on the backs of the American worker and by devouring the souls of countless American communities.

Fuck em


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