Friday, March 11, 2005

GOP: Give to the rich - fuck the poor

El Dubya, in a (rare) stroke of genuine smarts, wants to cut farm subsidies that dole out billions of dollars, mainly to mega farms (note: most of the money does NOT go to the Farm Aid needin' family farms). All El Busho wants to do is cut the maximum amount these farms can recieve from 360k to 250k. As these farm subsidies are a HUGE waste of OUR tax dollars - it's a good idea.

"NOT SO FAST" cry the GOoPer cunts in Congress - as opposed to the cuts in farm subsidies, the GOoPers have a better idea:

"Republican committee chairmen are looking to carve savings from nutrition and land conservation programs that are also run by the Agriculture Department... nutrition programs like food stamps, school lunches and special aid to low-income pregnant women and children".

My GOD I hope the "morals" bullshit that got Bush and these Republicans into power ends up being worth it for the saps in the "Heartland" when their children go to bed hungry.


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