Egads! Is this falafel rubbin shitheel an asshole or what?
Well, of course he is - and it's be pointless for me to spend too much time on refuting each and every one of his fevered ruminations, but I would like to parse one particular moronization:
Federal judges blocked the transfer of 13 suspected terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay after a left-wing group, The Center for Constitutional Rights, sued on their behalf, saying they might be tortured if they were sent home or to another Muslim country. Wait a minute. I thought they were being tortured at Guantanamo Bay! --That's what the Progressive press keeps telling us. Now they want to keep these guys at Gitmo? What's the deal?
"Wait a minute, I thought they were being tortured at Guantanamo Bay... what's the deal.. blah blah blah"
They were (are) being tortured at Guantanamo, Bill, they were (are) - you perverted hush-money loving anus of a swine fuck.
You see, Bill, you jackass, many (I pray most) Americans don't believe that we should have ANY part in torturing people. That includes US soldiers and spooks torturing them in Git-Mo, that includes us so smugly sending them off to other countries to be tortured (as in the case of Canadian citizen Maher Arar.
Read my lips, Bill - you shiteater, TORTURE IS BAD.
Torture is unproductive.
Torture is un-American.
Torture endangers our soldiers and Marines.
And true PATRIOTS despise it's practice - and it goes without saying no kind of Christian would approve of it's practices under ANY circumstances.
OH YEAH, if you loathe Bill the way I do - check out this wonderful sight:
Sweet Jesus I Hate Bill O'Reilly
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