Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bush get's bitch slapped & no one cares

El Shruberino was dealt quite the embarassing blow today as the "Senate voted to strip all proposed Medicaid cuts from the $2.6 trillion budget for next year, killing the heart of the plan's deficit reduction and dealing an embarrassing setback to President Bush and Republican leaders".

I mean this is a pretty big deal. But where are the cable news networks - all panty-bunched over the baseball hearings. I know that seeing an emaciated Mark McGuire (steroids, him? noooooooooo) is pretty compelling, but guess what - STEROIDS DONT REALLY FUCKING MATTER. Neither does Michael Jackson and his petter-ass trial. Nor do I need to see Scott fucking Peterson's face ever again.

Like yesterday, the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge is at long last going to the rapists and the cable nets don't hardly mention it. They should have carried the vote live. THAT is important stuff. Steroids, Jackson, and Peterson is minutae.

No wonder our leaders pull so much shit over on us - NO ONE CARES TO PAY ATTENTION.

Anyway, as far as Bush and the vote today to strip away the Medicaid cuts. I have one thing to say:

BWA-HA-HA-HA... that's a nice MANDATE you have there. Chump.


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