The Ghost of Tora Bora
"We don't know to this day whether Mr. bin Laden was at Tora Bora in December 2001 (he was never) within our grasp" -- General Tommy Franks, 10/19/04
You might remeber that being repeated numerous times by Sir Chimp-a-lot and Darth Cheney during the Presidential campaigns... oh, dont blame us, Mr. Kerry, no one knew were bin Laden really was.
They had a pretty fucking good idea. They had a pretty fucking good idea that he WAS in Tora Bora. And our leaders chose to let corrupt Afghan proxies do our fighting for us (lest the casualties harm Bush's chances of getting his Iraq War) -- POOF -- bin Laden is gone.
Franks lied.
Cheney lied (again).
Bush lied (again).
But you wont see it on the "liberal" television media.
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