No fly No works No shit
I know all too well the pain-in-the-ass of the No Fly List. Get to the airport, try to use the automated check-in... "BZZZZZZZZZ" not so fast, my fried. Please advance to special security secton Delta for your background check and anal probing.
I've been selected as a winner in the No Fly Watchlist sweepstakes three of the last four times that I've flown. I like to tell myself that I'm on the list because I pose a threat "to the man", you know cause I give money to Democrats and because I call the President "Smirky McChimp"... but, alas, I know I'm on the List because the List is a total clusterfuck and it's run by complete ijits.
I think the monkeys that came up with this disaster of an idea have their hearts in the right place - God, I hope they do - but do you realize that NONE of the commercial baggage that rides on your plane is checked, no, not checked at all. Like so much else, it'd be funny if it werent so flippin sad.
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