Friday, April 01, 2005

gay child? SEEK HELP ASAP

Or so says the US Government. I aint bullshitin' ya. Your tax dollars fund a website called which spews ignorant and bigoted bile like this:

A homosexual is a person who prefers sexual contact with people of the same sex... If you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.

Oh, and this:

Abstinence helps protect teens from contracting a sexually transmitted disease, becoming pregnant, and the emotional risk and responsibility involved with sex. Abstinence is the healthiest choice for teens because they are not ready for the adult emotions of sex and the adult choices that sex entails
Hey, I'm all for using abstinence AS PART of a sex education program. But for the love of every horndog 16 year-old boy - do you not think telling them about rubbers might be a crucial part of any sex education program?

You want to prevent teen pregnencies and put an end to abortion? TELL THE FUCKING KIDS WHO ARE FUCKING TO USE A FUCKING RUBBER.

Putting your hands over your ears and screaming "LA LA LA LA LA" doesnt make the fact go away... kids are going to have sex. End of subject.

As for the "if you believe your adolecent might be gay" section... imagine if it said:

If you believe your adolescent may be involved with a negro, or is experiencing difficulties with racial identity or sexual orientation regarding race, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.

I know that's a fucked up analogy, but I think the point remains - bigotry is bigotry, whether it be over race or over sexual identity.

These bigoted bastards must be defeated in 2006.

The LA Times has the whole story.

Stolen with pride from Daily Kos


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