Im Steve Guttenberg, bitch

Holy crap.
I have no idea what to think.
The star of stage and screen, Mr. Steve Guttenberg is back on the press junkets and seems to be a great interview.
He must have been stoned.
Or he's fuckin crazy.
Here are some tidbits:
"From 1980 to 1990, I shot more films than any other actor in the Screen Actors Guild apart from Gene Hackman. Everyone keeps asking me that stupid question: "What are you doing?" I say: "Why do I need to do anything? I'm rich."Er, well, yeah, I guess. But what about your craft? What about following your muse?
"I love the fame and the money and the power. You have to keep working to have that".Geez, points for honesty. But dont you feel the need to use your fame to better the world, a la Bono?
"I'm not going to say "I'm an actor and I'm changing the world." Ewan McGregor - who cares? God bless you, Ewan, you're cute and adorable but just do your job".But what are you doing next? Surely it's something massive...
"There are great movies I do on the Hallmark Channel called Single Santa. I've just finished a sequel called Meet The Santas. It's like Meet The Fockers. Mr and Mrs Santa have to come and meet my wife's parents. It's great".
Yeah, Im sure it's JUST LIKE Meet The Fockers, except it stars you and not DiNiro & Ben Stiller... and that Hoffman fellow. Yeah, Im sure it's the exact same thing.
Now if we can just find out what happened to that guy who made all the weird noises.
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