Lindsay: How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.
Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.
Without a doubt, Arrested Development is the greatest television comedy since Seinfeld (possibly the greatest ever, there I said it). And the fuckjobs at Faux are giving it the ax.
Sure, why not move it to Monday nights at 8 - give it no promotion - and expect it to make it. What a bunch of analrapists.
Not much to be done now. Except to not let it go out without a blaze of glory that the Bluth family deserves. So, sign this petition.
I mean, shit, they had a character named Bob Loblaw -- just say that a few times fast.
Maeby: Do you guys know where I could get one of those gold necklaces with the ‘T’ on it?
Michael: That’s a cross
Maeby: Across from where?

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