As I loved the old (and quite shit) show when I was a bit younger... so I do love the update (and it's hardly shit).
Battlestar Galactica. That's right. Season 2.5 started tonight.
It's a retelling of the original show. Man creates Cylons, Cylons rebel, Cylons are defeated in war against mankind, Cylons leave, Cylons evolve to look and act like man, Cylons attack, humankind is destroyed save one old military ship and a "rag tag fugitive fleet" (that's from the original, I can still hear old Alpo man saying those words) with a total of 45k+ humans left alive searching for a 13th Colony (Earth) that might or might not exist.
Anyway, if you dig Sci-Fi at all - check it out. It's a good show. Well acted, very respectable writing, and some cool effects (especially for a TV show)... and me thinks it a great story.
Plus, it's got hot chicks... and Edward James Olmos (who, while hardly hot, is a great character actor).

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