Eve was made out of a dick bone !!
Who knew!
(and why cant I have my dick bone back?)
"When you get the blanket thing, you can relax because everything you could ever want, or be, you already have and are" -- Bernard, the Existential Detective.
I've always been a little ify on the subject of Hillary R. Clinton. I dont loathe as if she were Satan's spawn as some GOoPers do. As my wife said, people call her a bitch, but if she were a man people would praise her toughness. Is she dirty? Eh, I dont know - probably not any more so than most - and certainly not as half as dirty as Murder Monkey and Unka Dick.
Asked whether Cheney was guilty of war crime, Wilkerson said: "Well that's an interesting question. It is certainly a domestic crime to advocate terror, and I would suspect that it is, for whatever it's worth, an international crime as well."
Geezus, this shit is getting freaky. I mean, who woulda thunk it. Outside, Orwell, of course.
Yeah, yeah, it's supposed to be on Friday, so sue me.
Lindsay: How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.
Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.
Without a doubt, Arrested Development is the greatest television comedy since Seinfeld (possibly the greatest ever, there I said it). And the fuckjobs at Faux are giving it the ax.
Sure, why not move it to Monday nights at 8 - give it no promotion - and expect it to make it. What a bunch of analrapists.
Not much to be done now. Except to not let it go out without a blaze of glory that the Bluth family deserves. So, sign this petition.
I mean, shit, they had a character named Bob Loblaw -- just say that a few times fast.
Maeby: Do you guys know where I could get one of those gold necklaces with the ‘T’ on it?
Michael: That’s a cross
Maeby: Across from where?
Waking up before the dawn, standing in line, and pushin-&-shovin to buy more needless shit made by Chinese slave labor.
Bush knew there was no ties between Al Queda and Iraq, way back in 2001.
Sad to see ole Gaius Julius Caesar get shanked like that - on the floor of the Senate no less. A despot, to be sure, but at least his goals were noble (unlike Goobus Georgus Bushus). Least Pullo and Vorenus got away with thier skins... and Pullo actually had a nice ending, Vorenus, not so much.
It's come down to THIS?
... baby they were born to be asswipes.
Hunter from Daily Kos just lets it rip. Damn. The boy needs his own blog (does he have one?). Anyway, in regard to the GOP shame-sham response to Captain America's (aka John Murtha's) comments on the reality of Iraq.
How's that taste, Georgie? How bout you Unka Dick? Ann of Long Bones? You wanna comment, Sean-Pig?
Here is the rest of it "Shut Up And Clap Louder" Doesn't Work Anymore
Well, I didnt know whether or not my blog was gone... guess it's not.