Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Eve was made out of a dick bone !!

Who knew!

(and why cant I have my dick bone back?)

"Finish what we started" ??

I've always been a little ify on the subject of Hillary R. Clinton. I dont loathe as if she were Satan's spawn as some GOoPers do. As my wife said, people call her a bitch, but if she were a man people would praise her toughness. Is she dirty? Eh, I dont know - probably not any more so than most - and certainly not as half as dirty as Murder Monkey and Unka Dick.

Would I vote for her if she gets the nomination for President?
I dont know.

Would I vote for her in the Democratic primaries?
No way in hell.

Now, she has come out with some big statement on Iraq. But it seems to me that she sits the fence on the issue. Blah, blah, we were lied to, but yada yada, the United States must "finish what it started".

Well, no shit. But HOW, Mrs. Clinton?

And why wont you say that your vote was WRONG, as John Edwards has done?

We bash Smirky McChimp because he demands no accountability and refuses to admit mistakes, but COME ON, in hindsight, wasnt your vote for war a mistake? Why wont you step up and say so.

Lastly, I have a little advice for Hillary, Joe Biden, and Evan Bayh (and any other "Centrist" Democrats who might seek residence at 1600 Penn Ave). The "Liberal Wing" of the Democratic Party held our collective noses and voted for John Kerry (who was, and is, a pretty miserable candidate and politician - and who, if he truely IS a Liberal, sure as shit didnt run his campaign as one). We let the DLC and the Beltway types do their thing, we gathered under the one big tent in an attempt to rid the world of Bush - and it blew up in our faces.

We, or at least I, wont do it again.

You either show us something different, something REAL, doesnt have to be exactly LIBERAL, but it has to be real -- and not business as usual, or Im taking my ball and voting for Dennis Kucinich.

At least I will be able to sleep at night.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"That IS an interesting question"

Asked whether Cheney was guilty of war crime, Wilkerson said: "Well that's an interesting question. It is certainly a domestic crime to advocate terror, and I would suspect that it is, for whatever it's worth, an international crime as well."

How long till people finally GET IT?

How many ex-Bushie drones have to come forward and air the truth before EVERYONE (the last 35% that still like his Murder Monkey ass) finally WAKE UP and get it? We've had Paul O'Neill, we've had Richard Clarke, now we've got Wilkerson.

Beware the Black Boots

Geezus, this shit is getting freaky. I mean, who woulda thunk it. Outside, Orwell, of course.

I am not saying we are heading down the dark road to facism, nothing like that. But, er, having black booted "security forces" surround public buildings for suprise ID checks ("show us your papers").... if it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck...

In other news, Armando, over at Kos, has a great bit on the birthing of Salvadorian-esque death squads patrolling the towns of Iraq. The answer isnt more troops or going (honestly) multi-national, or even pulling out. Instead of Iraq being the next Vietnam, we'll just make it the next El Salvador. Hoo-ray.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday Shuffle

Yeah, yeah, it's supposed to be on Friday, so sue me.

* Gumbo - Phish, 6/14/00. Just read an interesting interview with Trey Pistachio in Relix magazine. He still comes across as an ego heavy jacktart, but he comes off pretty honest. Anyway, fine tune... one of my favorite jamz.

* Dream Traveler - Roy Hargrove. Off his masterful Habana album. Not real familiar with this song, but it works.

* Lost & Amazed - Assembly of Dust, 2/4/05. AOD is sorta a pop jam band, in that Reid Genauer (formerly of Strangefolk) writes some delicious tunes and has a voice built for widespread popularity.

* Mysterious Ways - U2 5/12/05. It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, she moves in mysterious ways, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright. When the hell is U2 gonna release some OFFICIAL live albums?

* Good To See You - Neil Young. Such a sweet song. Damn. "When Im looking down on you, I feel like I know what my life is for" -- always makes me think of my kids... damn.

* Take Me Home (Country Roads) - Toots & the Maytals. John Denver done reggae. Eh, what can I say. It works like a mother fucker.

* You Could Be The Rain - Russell Bramblett. Got it off I-Tunes simply cause Bramblett plays with Widespread Panic once in a while. It's alright, but Ill not need to listen to it again.

* Eyes of The World - Grateful Dead. Off of their So Many Roads box set, I believe this comes from their "farewell" shows from 1975. As jazzy as they got and everybit as good as anything rock and roll has ever done. There, I said it.

* Where You End - Moby. Ill never forget the first time I heard this song, I was shit-ass drunk off of Bombay on the rocks, looking out over Times Square at the Times Square "W" hotel... thinking about how cool I wish I were.

* Given To Fly - Pearl Jam, 8/24/00. Figures. See the post below for more on this fucking AWESOME song.

John Gibson

"I am an ugly jackass who can't take a shit without becoming sexually aroused, let alone offer any meaningful commentary about anything"

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Lindsay: How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.
Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.

Without a doubt, Arrested Development is the greatest television comedy since Seinfeld (possibly the greatest ever, there I said it). And the fuckjobs at Faux are giving it the ax.

Sure, why not move it to Monday nights at 8 - give it no promotion - and expect it to make it. What a bunch of analrapists.

Not much to be done now. Except to not let it go out without a blaze of glory that the Bluth family deserves. So, sign this petition.

I mean, shit, they had a character named Bob Loblaw -- just say that a few times fast.

Maeby: Do you guys know where I could get one of those gold necklaces with the ‘T’ on it?
Michael: That’s a cross
Maeby: Across from where?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Nothing says Jesus like...

Waking up before the dawn, standing in line, and pushin-&-shovin to buy more needless shit made by Chinese slave labor.

Oh, yes, the season to celebrate CHRISTMAS (lest Bill O'Fallafel or John Gibson take you to task for daring call it anything else) is upon us. One where nothing matters more than scoring a $3.99 copy of that Patrick Swazye opus "Point Break".

And god knows, nothing teaches a child a better lesson about the grace of Jesus Christ than knowing their mommy was able to snatch up that Bratz Karaoke Machine for $39.95 (down from $130.00 - what a deal!).

Oh, yes, on the day when those stalwart Christian Patriots (we dont sell no damn Eminem records, but we do have Vegi-Tales) at Wal-Mart expect to earn 75 bagazoonialian dollars* and personally flog 18 Union leaders as part of their "Capitalism works fine for us, now get back to work you stupid inbred Cracker, lest we set the dogs upon you" High Holy days, it's a happy feeling to know that you are doing your part to not only celebrate the grace of Jesus, but also doing your part for the Chinese economy.

Merry fuckin Christmas.

*not a real dollar amount, although Wal-Mart did have a one-day sales total of 1.52 billion on "Black Friday" 2003.

ps - and, really, check out that John Gibson link, what a wing-nut!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Given To Fly

Happy Thanksgiving.

Dont really know what the song is about, but Pearl Jam's Given To Fly has me buzzing as of late. I suppose it's about Eddie Vedder's struggle with fame back in the 90's. Pearl Jam never really played many bars & clubs, they rode the crest of the Grunge wave straight to big theatres... for many they were the media darlings of the "Seattle sound". And Vedder didnt know how to square that new found popularity with his punk ethos. It was tough when any amount of growth led the kewl kids to think you a sell-out. Meanwhile, the mainstream wanted all Eddie all-the-time... no doubt it would be tough on the psyche.

Course it also can be seen in a religous context, but surely Eddie doesnt think THAT much of himself. Does he?

Given To Fly.
Words & Music by Pearl Jam

He could’ve tuned in, tuned in
But he tuned out
A bad time, nothing could save him
Alone in a corridor, waiting, locked out
He got up outta there, ran for hundreds of miles
He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree
The wind rose up, set him down on his knee

A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw
Delivered him wings, "Hey, look at me now"
Arms wide open with the sea as his floor
Oh, power, oh

He's.. flying Whole…
High.. wide, oh

He floated back down 'cause he wanted to share
His key to the locks on the chains he saw everywhere
But first he was stripped and then he was stabbed
By faceless men, well, fuckers
He still stands

And he still gives his love, he just gives it away
The love he receives is the love that is saved
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly High.. flying

Oh, oh High.. flying
Oh, oh He’s…flying
Oh, oh


Born 5/29/1917
Died 11/22/1963

Bush KNEW (and other shockers)

Bush knew there was no ties between Al Queda and Iraq, way back in 2001.

In other news:

Water is wet.
The sky is blue.
Ben Affleck can't act.
Sean Hannity has a inverted penis.
TiVo is the greatest invention of the last 300 years.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

the glory of ROME

Sad to see ole Gaius Julius Caesar get shanked like that - on the floor of the Senate no less. A despot, to be sure, but at least his goals were noble (unlike Goobus Georgus Bushus). Least Pullo and Vorenus got away with thier skins... and Pullo actually had a nice ending, Vorenus, not so much.

If you havent seen it, find a way to do so... and see all of em, in order,it's a damn fine show.

Thanks to HBO for once again showing how great television can be. Too sad that a brother has to wait till fuckin 2007 for the next dose.

Least we'll have Tony and the boys to entertain us till then

Monday, November 21, 2005

Makes me wanna....

I mean, really. Like Ive had a undercooked fish sandwich served between two Skoal spit soaked slices of Wonder bread covered in the skin-flakes from Ann Coulter's boney thighs after she's had a three way with Pan-Face Hannity and Dennis Rodman (sorry, Dennis).


Hours spent by House committees in the 1990's looking into Bill Clinton's Christmas card lists: 140

Hours spent by House committess in the last two years investigating the widely-reported torture at Abu Gharib: 12

Geebus H. Craps! What has happened to our country under these rouges?

I'd like to thank the Mongoloidians

It's come down to THIS?


Oh, dry my lovely tears of pride, oh-be-still my patriotic heart! With the great Horde on our side, the tribes of Europe stand not a chance!

What? Oh, wrong century.


Shit, not that Im making light of their contribution. Their 120 proud horesemen with swords and spears gleaming, the thunderous hoofbeats of their horses, will no doubt strike fear into the hearts of many a insurgent.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Tramps like them...

... baby they were born to be asswipes.

It seems that Sens. Frank Lautenberg and Jon Corzine put forth a resolution to honor Bruce Springsteen's masterpiece 1975 album "Born To Run" yesterday - to honor that work and Springsteen's long-time contributions to American culture.

These things happen EVERYDAY... and are usually approved unanimously. It's just a blurb in the official record, for Gawd's sake, not renaming an airport or anything.

Of course, the pussified asscrackers of the GOP are still all pissy at The Boss for the whole "please-dear-Americans-for-the-love-of-God-vote-for-anyone-but-The Chimp".

What a bunch of spoiled fuckin' babies!!

Oh, and by the way, if you havent got the remastered three disc box of "Born To Run" -- GET IT. The remastering is wonderful and the set includes a 1975 concert DVD from London.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Hunter from Daily Kos just lets it rip. Damn. The boy needs his own blog (does he have one?). Anyway, in regard to the GOP shame-sham response to Captain America's (aka John Murtha's) comments on the reality of Iraq.

He pretty much tells the psycho-killer douch-a-holics on the Right to STFU... I mean, really, the dude is tip-top.

Here is a taste:

"They believe merely debating the current state of the war is an act against patriotism. Cheney blusters that questioning him, or the President, amounts to being anti-American. If you're a Republican, you have only two choices in this war: Clap Louder, or Shut Up"

How's that taste, Georgie? How bout you Unka Dick? Ann of Long Bones? You wanna comment, Sean-Pig?

Here is the rest of it "Shut Up And Clap Louder" Doesn't Work Anymore

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sweep The Leg, Johnny!

Well, I didnt know whether or not my blog was gone... guess it's not.

I was gonna rename it - Sweep The Leg, Johnny - after the immortal words from the cinematic classic "The Karate Kid". However, you might not fuckin believe it, but there is a band by that name.

I was bummed.

Anyway, Herr Murder Munkay still rules with a marshmellow fist (albeit one that can get an American sent to Git-Mo without a trial).

Course ole Chimpy's approval rating is a Nixon-esque 35%... so that's good.

What isnt good is that ass-sandwich John "You take it" Kerry and his EVEN THINKING about running again... when every single person knows that Hillary is gonna get it. Not that I want her to get it, I kinda loathe her - although the prospects of her winning, just to watch all the Faux Newsies implode is a novel idea - and Ill go to the 3rd rail if she gets the nod.

Oh, and I bought a guitar. More on that later.

Ill leave you with this, from Bruce Cockburn:

This is too big for anger
it's too big for blame.
We stumble through history so humanly lame
So I bow down my head
Say a prayer for us all
That we dont fear the spirit
When it comes to call